Saturday, November 30, 2019

Zero Tolerance and Community Youth Crime Prevention an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

Zero Tolerance and Community Youth Crime Prevention The zero tolerance policy for drugs and weapons is not an effective in terms of community youth crime prevention. This is simply because such a policy does not serve the important role of identifying and mitigating the underlying factor, which lead to crime activities among the youth in the community (Hanson, 2000). The realization of a sustainable solution to a problem dictates for the resolution of the root cause to the problem. Community youth crime is evidently triggered by poor influence from other members of the community. According to available evidence, the problem of drug abuse among the American youth population is blamed on the availability of such drugs in the community (Marshall, 1999). Need essay sample on "Zero Tolerance and Community Youth Crime Prevention" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed According to psychological evidence, it is evidently claimed that the behavior of the youth population is mainly guided by peer pressure. This has been closely attributed to the fact that at such a stage in the human development, many lack the intellectual capacity to engage in reasoned decisions. Due to this reason, imposing inhumanly harsh punishments to otherwise innocent criminals contradicts the concept of effective behave correction and character building in the community (Marshall, 1999). Without an effective strategy by the government and the local community in eliminating and/or restricting the availability of drugs in the community, the zero tolerance policy remains ineffective. Crime activities by the youth in the community are caused by lack of reliable social and economic responsibilities for the youth in the community (White, 1998). An idle mind is the devils workshop. It has been sufficiently established that most of the criminal activities in the human community are conducted by the unemployed members of the community. Based on this reasoning, the zero tolerance policy for drugs and weapons fails by not addressing the issue of unemployment as the leading reason behind escalating crime activities by the youth (Marshall, 1999). Still to be appreciated is the fact that family problems are contributing significantly in youth crime activities. As per the available psychological evidence, children from families marked with domestic violence are more likely to engage in crime activities. There are numerous alternative solutions to the zero tolerance policy for drugs and weapons as a tool for promoting of community youth crime prevention. First, the government should engage its resource in identifying and resolving the underlying causes of youth crime activities in the community. On the question of drug abuse such as alcohol, the law enforcement should strive to enforce the laws restricting the availability of such drugs to the underage in the community (White, 1998). The other problem is idleness among the youth. The government and all stakeholders in the American community should strive to oversee the establishment of youth programs which are reflective of their social and economic needs. Another alternative is the engagement of the government in effective correction practices for youths who are victims of community crime. Rehabilitation has been evidently praised for its effectiveness in ensuring sustainable behavioral change in crime offenders. Still, through rehabilitation, any underlying psychological cause for the individuals criminal behavior is identified and sufficiently resolved (Marshall, 1999). Another importance of rehabilitation practices is that they serve to nurture self-reliant skills among the crime offenders. This functions to promote the economic independence of the individual upon release to the community. Therefore, effective corrective practices like rehabilitating youth crime offenders could be quite instrumental in realizing a sustainable community youth crime prevention strategy. References Hanson, A. (2005). Have Zero Tolerance School Discipline Policies Turned into Nightmare? The American Dreams Promise of Equal Education Opportunity. Marshall, J. (1999). Zero Tolerance Policing. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from White, R. (1998). Curtailing Youth: A Critique of Coercive Crime Prevention.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Windows and Linux essays

Windows and Linux essays Since the Internet networking environment was created in merely 9 years, internet users have increased sharply, and the new network civilization has settled in our life. The network civilization has made the internet business more complicated, organized in different kinds of areas. In other words, it is important for an Internet business to set fundamental factors. Many information technology(IT) companies basically needed the operating system(OS) to set up a network. Windows NT and Linux are the most famous OS software to administer network service. Microsoft invented the Windows NT series about 6 years ago, and business owners have preferred it for several reasons such as the extension of its application, compatibilities, and safety from viruses. Linux was invented by programmer Linus Trovalds. It has been provided free software against the monopoly of Widows NT. Because of its economic efficiency, experts have analyzed and compared several factors between Windows NT and Linux, eve n though both must be powerful Operating Systems. For managing a company, the most important factor is to decrease its budget. There are fundamental equipment to set up an IT environment, such as the networking server, print server, file server, web server and the security server. These workloads are the most important factors to determine the Total Cost of Ownership(TCO). Each workload is subdivided into 6 factors such as purchasing hardware cost, software license cost, staffing cost, downtime cost, staff training cost and the oversourced cost(Table I). Each of TCO factors shows which OS is more effective to set up or to upgrade. The hardware cost includes purchasing server equipment, installation and maintenance. The software cost includes purchasing OS license, installation, training IT staff and the maintenance software. The staffing cost includes the annual salary, overhead cost and bonuses. The downtime cost includes user productivity and IT staff ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Paragraph Length in Compositions and Reports

Paragraph Length in Compositions and Reports In composition, technical writing, and online writing, the term paragraph length refers to the number of sentences in a paragraph and the number of words in those sentences. There is no set or correct length for a paragraph. As discussed below, conventions about appropriate length vary from one form of writing to another and depend on various factors, including medium, topic, audience, and purpose. Simply put, a paragraph  should be as long or as short as it needs to be to develop a main idea.  As  Barry J. Rosenberg  says, Some paragraphs should weigh a skimpy two or three sentences, while others should weigh a robust seven or eight sentences. Both weights are equally healthy (Spring Into Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists, 2005).   See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: The Invisible Mark of Punctuation: The Paragraph BreakCoherence and CohesionDevelopmentParagraph Break  and  ParagraphingSentence LengthUnity Examples and Observations Paragraph lengths, like sentence lengths, give an essay a kind of rhythm that readers can feel but that is hard to talk about . . .. A very short paragraph can be just the right kind of pause following a long and complex one. Or a series of paragraphs of about the same length can give the reader a very satisfying feeling of balance and proportion.(Diana Hacker and Betty Renshaw, Writing With a Voice, 2nd ed. Scott, Foresman, 1989)Paragraph Length in EssaysThere is no set rule about paragraph length. They can be long or short ..., though do note that both the shortest and the longest are rare and you should take care in their use. What works best is usually a mixture of longer and shorter paragraphs within the middle range. Aim to vary length rather than look for a set formula. . . . [A] paragraph [that] contains . . . 150 words . . . is probably about average for what would most often be used in an essay.(Jacqueline Connelly and Patrick Forsyth, Essay Writing Skills: Essential Techni ques to Gain Top Marks. Kogan Page Ltd., 2011) Dividing a Long Paragraph[S]ometimes you may discover that a particular point in your essay is so complex that your paragraph is growing far too long- well over a typed page, for instance. If this problem occurs, look for a logical place to divide your information and start a new paragraph. For example, you might see a convenient dividing point in a series of actions youre describing or a break in the chronology of a narrative or between explanations of arguments or examples. Just make sure you begin your next paragraph with some sort of transitional phrase or key words to let the reader know that you are still discussing the same point as before (Still another problem caused by the computers faulty memory circuit is . . .).(Jean Wyrick, Steps to Writing Well With Additional Readings, 8th ed. Wadsworth, 2011)Paragraph Length in Academic WritingParagraphs give readers a sense of where one unit ends and another begins, a sense of how the argument develops by moving from one topic to an other. . . . Paragraphs let the reader digest one idea at a time without becoming overwhelmed.In modern academic writing, paragraphs are usually less than a page in length. But its rare to find many short paragraphs (of, say, less than four lines) in a row. A typical paragraph is roughly ten to twenty lines in length. But there will be variety. Short paragraphs are sometimes needed for other purposes besides laying out a component of the argument. For example, a transitional paragraph might be needed at a certain point in order to sum up all thats been established so far and to hint at where the argument will go from here.And sometimes short paragraphs can simply underscore a point.(Matthew Parfitt, Writing in Response. Bedford/St. Martins 2012) Paragraph Length in Business and Technical WritingQuantifying paragraph length is difficult, but in business and technical writing, paragraphs exceeding 100 to 125 words should be rare. Most paragraphs will consist of three to six sentences. If a single-spaced paragraph goes beyond one-third of a page, it is probably too long. A double-spaced paragraph should not exceed half a page in length.The documents format should influence paragraph length. If a document has narrow columns (two to three to the page), then paragraphs should be shorter, perhaps on the average of no more than 50 words. If a document uses a full-page format (one column), then average paragraph length can reach 125 words.Length is therefore a function of appearance and visual relief.(Stephen R. Covey, Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication, 5th ed. FT Press and Pearson Education, 2012)Paragraph Length in Online WritingIf the statistics are to be believed, by the end of this sentence, I’ll have l ost most of you. Because according to some estimates, the average time spent on a webpage is 15 seconds. . .And so webmasters worldwide have launched an emergency austerity programme, pruning, paring, compacting everything possible in a frantic attempt to spare our readers a few precious seconds. . . .The most obvious casualty of this economy drive is the venerable paragraph. . . .The internet . . . has exerted further downward pressure on paragraph length. Reading on a laptop screen or phone is slower and more fatiguing, and it’s harder to keep your place; inserting regular, clear breaks (complete lines rather than indentations) is one way to create a smoother reading experience.None of this is in dispute. But consider  this recent piece on the BBC website. With two exceptions, all the paragraphs in this story consist of precisely one sentence. . . .[O]ne reason, and one reason alone, is sufficient to justify the Save the Paragraph Campaign. Time was, when you came across a paragraph of one sentence, you knew it contained powerful stuff (in the writer’s view, at least). A short paragraph, coming after many long ones, could deliver a real punch.(Andy Bodle, Breaking Point: Is the Writing on the Wall for the Paragraph?. The Guardian, May 22, 2015) One-Sentence ParagraphsOccasionally, a one-sentence paragraph is acceptable if it is used as a transition between longer paragraphs or as a one-sentence introduction or conclusion in correspondence.(Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, and Walter E. Oliu, The Business Writers Handbook, 10th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2012)Paragraph Length and ToneHow long is a paragraph?As short as that.Shorter.Or as long as it needs to be to cover a subject. . . .But there is a complication. Writing that aims to be inviting, like the writing in newspapers, popular magazines and books, uses shorter paragraphs than more ambitious and profound writing. New paragraphs are begun before a topic is exhausted.Anytime.For no reason at all.Because each new paragraph lightens the tone, encourages readers, offers a foothold down the page.When paragraphs are short, writing does seem easier. Less happily, it also seems disjointed and superficial- as though the writer cant concentrate on a subject.Thus paragraphing, like so much else, is a matter of tone. You want to have a proper paragraph length for your subject, your audience, and your degree of seriousness (or frivolity).(Bill Stott, Write to the Point. Anchor Press, 1984)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

To what extent do the problems with practical application of Essay

To what extent do the problems with practical application of performance appraisals affect their effectiveness - Essay Example Human resource management ideology revolves around the policies and practices of organization design and development. It concentrates on learning, employee development, performance and rewards and providing services that enhance the wellbeing of employees in an organization. Performance management is an integral tool in human resource management. Performance management helps managers to ensure that employees are giving their best efforts towards developing the organization. The idea of performance management was first introduced in the field of human resource management in the early 1990s. Despite the fact that employees’ assessment review and objective settings had been in use before the 90s, organizations started to concentrate on individual performance in the early 1990s. Research indicated that among 1800 employees in the United Kingdom, 46% of the employees said 86 per cent used a systematic approach to evaluate employee performance while 20 per cent used the more ambitious performance management systems on their employees (Anderson, 1996: 197). According to Anderson (1996), performance management practices have been used for a longer time in the United States. A study conducted by the Bureau of National affairs showed that in 244 organizati ons that were studied, 90 per cent of them conducted performance appraisal exercises every year. This is a clear indication that performance appraisals were widely used across the globe during that time. With the rapid development of global economy in the past 20 years, performance appraisal has become a tool for increasing productivity among employees in organizations (Gruman and Saks, 2011: 123). In the general performance management process, performance appraisal is a formal and a systematic process for measuring, recording and developing strengths and weaknesses of employees in an organization (Swanepoel, et al., 2000

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh - Essay Example The essay "Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh" will help to understand the importance of that figures in the art of 19th century. During these centuries not only did the nature of art change considerably, but artists of extreme talent also emerged. Vincent Van Gogh is perhaps the most renowned artist of the 19th century and is widely credited for implementing and perfecting a style known as impressionism. This essay examines both Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso and the contributions they made to the field art. Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Netherland in 1853 (McQuillan 4). While a strong amount of information is known about Van Gogh, the most prominent sources of biographical information on the artist comes from letters between him and his younger brother Theo who sold much of his art. While Van Gogh would ultimately become one of the most highly regarded artists of the 19th century, he would spend most of life in obscurity. Art scholars recognize that â€Å"Van Gogh’s greatest art productions emerged after his move to Paris in 1886†. During this period Van Gogh began to produce works in his now seminal impressionistic style. After his time in Paris, Van Gogh would move to Arles in 1888 . It was here that he produced such seminal works as ‘Starry Night Over the Rhone’ and ‘Bedroom in Arles’. Suffering from bouts of illness and depression throughout his life, Van Gogh would commit suicide in 1890 by a gunshot to the chest . Pablo Picasso is arguably the most renowned artist of the 20th century.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Terror in 1831 America Essay Example for Free

Terror in 1831 America Essay Media is a very powerful tool in communicating with people. In so many ways, it allows us to interact with others and exchange stories with the people we know and we do not know. Media as a tool helps us to be informed about the things happening around us but at the same time, it offers exaggeration in news that may affect our perception over an issue being discussed in a hot debate. Furthermore, media sometimes spoils the moment and talks about issues which they bring into exaggeration that may cause threat to the people in the society. In 1831, media played a very important role in delivering news to the rest of the people in the South and even in the North of the American continent by informing the people of the latest happenings about the scariest massacre ever happened involving both white and black Americans. Black Americans in the White World   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the history, Black Americans had been a subject for the rejection of the entire Caucasian race. Unlike Caucasians with white skin, Black Americans are commonly Black if not mulatto. They were treated as slaves and properties rather than as people like the entire society. There is racism in the air and that people have their expectations of those they will be with. A black man is not invited anyhow in any place. They will remain as the puppets of the society and though not all masters treat them bad, those who became good were only few and do not compose the entire population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Several books in history may attest to the fact that Black Americans were mistreated and yet there were also instances that may allow us to be informed that they too can hurt people if needed. Sometimes they were the first people who are blamed when a crime happened. A Black man is always the prime suspect even if they are clear of any crime. They were portrayed as bad men and yet what we do not know is that as slaves, they were subject to being fooled and being degraded as person. Slaves as they are, with no freedom of their own and the society condemned them of being such for the longest time. 1831 Years of Eclipse   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The slaves in Virginia in 1831 almost outnumbered the population of white men (Masur, page 10) which means that there had been a large number of slaves in the state that people have nothing to do anymore and these slaves were the ones who does the chores for them and almost all the jobs except for administrative labors. In Louis P. Masur’s story entitles â€Å"1831 Years of Eclipse†, he talked about the massacre in Virginia and how it changed the lives of the people living there. An account of the massacre including the people involved and slavery in the South, this book talked not only about the issue but how media treated it as news. The massacre in Virginia wherein several white men died including their whole family was caused by rebels composed of Black Americans in the leadership of Nat Turner. The Slave Revolt which happened in 1831 in Virginia caused too many deaths in the state that it also caused too many fear among the residents. There were over or nearly two million slaves in Virginia and the people, particularly the slave masters thought that they are contented already. They claimed that they were good masters and yet they were not saved (Masur, page 10). No one is left alive. Everyone is killed and for a long time, there had been fear all around until the rebels were caught in the absence of Nat Turner. When Nat Turner was caught, he surrendered immediately and when he was interviewed, he said he was never sorry and perhaps he had felt that what he did was the right thing to do I exchange of all the things they experienced as slaves of the upper class society. Media and the Massacre On the other hand, the newsmakers or the journalists did not make too much noise until the massacre happened between the slaves and the masters. It was the scariest story in history that every people in Virginia were contained of fear. However, the newspapers editor did try their best to stop the growing fear that the people had by minimizing the story and offering less exaggeration. Despite of the goal of minimizing exaggeration so that people will not be restricted with too much fear of the current situation in Virginia, different newspapers offered different news and approach towards the incident that no matter how much they try to prevent the attack of fear in people. For three long months, every newspaper released their statements over the issue and each statement contains different facts that there is no consistency of the truth anymore. Although they tried their bests to explain the tragedy, why it happened and why Nat Turner did allowed it to happen, it is useless to think about it that much because the people were already killed and it is all done. One of the newspapers which was firm with their call for the abolition of slavery in the South is â€Å"The Liberator† wherein William Lloyd Garrison (Masur, page 22). Picturing myself in 1831 America   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Spoiling the news or adding exaggeration to it might affect the perception of the people. As a person living in 1831, I could say that the exaggeration in the news and at the same time several information which have no basis could have affected my perception and outlook towards the problem of the society. Different information coming from the media will not help in any way to relax the mind of the public. At the same time, it will not allow us to know more about the issue because there is no hint of which one is true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I would definitely be afraid if I was in that time that Nat Turner led a revolt against their masters. In the perspective of a White person being victimized by Black rebels, I will be very afraid of my life because I have no idea when they will take it away. It is something that I would not want to happen because it is a matter of life and death already. On the other hand, as a black man who suffered too much from the hand of my masters, I cannot blame myself if I would dare to something like the massacre just to escape from their dictatorial masters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Media as a tool in communication might give us too many information that we can never contain and too many exaggerations will only open the possibility of being more afraid than ever, furthermore, as a citizen in 1831, the exaggerations and incompetent information given by the newspapers will not help to ease the fear in me. Black Americans suffered too much that the revolt seems to be their way of getting back to their masters who degraded them as a person. Works Cited Masur, Louis P. 1831 Years of Eclipse

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Role of Computers in Manufacturing Engineering :: Technology

The Role of Computers in Manufacturing Engineering The use of the computer has had a positive impact on manufacturing engineering in many ways. Engineering is a term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. The term engineer denotes a person who has received professional training in pure and applied sciences. The first and biggest positive impact on engineering has been the use of Computer Numerical Control machines (CNC); computers were first introduced to these controls in the early 1970’s. CNC machines typically replace or work in conjunction with some existing manufacturing process. For example before CNC machines a person using a drill press to machine holes would have to do a lot of work for themselves. They would have to place a drill in the drill chuck is secured in the spindle of the drill press. They can then select the desired speed for rotation, and activate the spindle. Then they manually pull on the quill lever to drive the drill into the work piece being machined. As you can see, there are a lot of manual steps required to use a drill press to drill holes. While this way may be acceptable for a small number of holes or parts. However, as quantities grow, so dose the likelihood for fatigue due to the tediousness of the operation. There are also more complicated machin ing operations that would require a much higher skill level of the person running the machining tool. The CNC machining center can be programmed to perform this operation in a much more automatic fashion. Everything that the drill press operator was doing manually will now be done by the CNC machine, including: placing the drill in the spindle, activating the spindle, positioning the work piece under the drill, machining the hole, and turning off the spindle. CNC works from a source code made on a computer that you just save as a file on your disk and insert it into the machine. The code can be made using two different ways, the first is just understanding the code, and by using the notepad program on you computer, you can just type it right out. This is the easiest way for very simple process, which doesn’t require much code. The second way is by using computer aided drafting (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) programs on your computer.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Front Office Management paper Essay

Abstract: This report is aimed to discuss the need for clear procedures to be set for the pre-arrival stage of the guest cycle. The pre arrival stages in a guest cycle entail services that are executed by people or other relevant systems (like software) to deliver the best to the guests. Reservations are an important stage in pre-arrival of all guests. An effective service delivery will ensure the guests get satisfied from the very primary stages. Vital preparations have to be made for the arrival of all guests by the front office department. Records have to be kept. Computers are essential in this process for they play an important facilitation role. Discuss the need for clear procedures to be set for the pre-arrival stage of the guest cycle Introduction The main function of front office management is to welcome the guest and make all transactions smooth for the guest. According to Bakers, Huyton and Bradley (2000), a hotel system can be divided into four categories forming the guest cycle notably: the pre-arrival, arrival, occupancy, and departure. This report aims to review the pre arrival stages of guest cycle in a guest cycle by focusing on front office section. The report begins with introduction and background to pre arrival stages of guest cycle and front office management. It will discuss the activities that are partaken when a guest arrives to the front desk of a given hotel in the main body. Then, the conclusion is drawn at the final part. Background In hospitality industry, it is necessary for the service deliverer to give out his/her best services; this is because the clients have nothing to carry home at the end of the transaction (Ismail, 2002). The most important thing is the experience they get from a given hotel. As earlier noted, the front office provides most reputation of a given hotel. The servers need to make great effort to ensure the delivery is up to the required standards. Different writers have similar views of the prospects that take place in the front office more so the pre arrival stage as will be discusses in the following section. According to Hai-yan and Baum (2006), most popular stages that have been identified in pre arrival of guests include: Reservation Registration Occupancy services Check-out and history The pre arrival stages in a guest cycle entail services that are executed by people or other relevant systems (like software) to deliver the best to the guests. The next section is the main body which analyse the activities that are partaken in the pre-arrival stage of the front desk of a hotel. Main body According to Powers et. Al (1999), the stages involved in the pre-arrival need to be distinct and specific. The environment and rooms need to be presentable to ensure the delivery is maximized in all situations. Bakers et. al. (2000) classified the guest cycle in the pre-arrivals, arrivals, occupancy and departure. They believe the pre arrival section mainly comprise the booking doe by the clients and all events that will facilitate arrival of the guest. The front office is tasked with handling a large number of tasks in the guest cycle, they may include making reservations, check-in and registration, mail and information management, handling luggage’s, communication services, handling the accounts for guests, checking out and settlement of bills (Bardi, 2011). The services here can be classified further to three main categories. These include  electronic-mechanical, indirect personal and face to face transactions. The employees in the front desk are trained to employ these services to ensure maximum utility of the clients (Waryszak and Bauer, 1993). The guest cycle stages can be classified into sub-categories depending on different factors. A stage process divides the cycle into presale, sale and post-sale services. The presale services will be discussed into details in this part. Of importance are the reservation services the clients can access from a given Hotel. The reservation stage will be vital for it provides the very initial interaction with the client. The hotel management is obliged to ensure that the staff in this category are very familiar with the activities at this stage and they deliver their best (Ismail, 2002). Use of computers has been of great help for they simplify the process, provide accuracy and speed, this makes the services look professional. The main source of information for reservations include Telephone calls Emails Letters Fax Personal requests The clients will always check in for these services. The service providers will always check if the customer is black listed or not. Black listed customers are offered no chances for various security reasons. Upon confirming a valid customer, the client is offered the rooms available according to his/her priority. If the priority of the clients is important and alternatives are given only when specific rooms are not available (Hai-yan and Baum, 2006). The booking is then confirmed and recorded appropriately in the booking diaries or booking charts. The relevant documents are then filled and the process terminated. These processes are computer enabled to facilitate accuracy. The following considerations are essential when making reservations: Front desk staffs should always offer alternatives to prevent closing the transactions Sale staffs should always use upselling and suggestive selling.  Front desk staffs need to be proactive in delivery Provide satisfying feedbacks to clients Confirm all details to guests and keep up-to-date records Be appreciative to all clients All reservations need to be effectively recorded to ease communication and reference. The main details captured during reservations in pre arrival stage include: guest name, address or the billing address, telephone number, origin or company, dates of arrival and departure, any special notes, and reservation type. It is also vital to note whether front desk staffs are dealing with a group or single persons. To make the reservation via computers, one would run the required software, run the rate plan query command, check for rate availability grid, look up for rate reservation screen, move to the profile screen, and finalize noting the reservation number (Bardi, 2011). The required details are filled into the computers at every given stage and clients informed of any necessary information. Conclusion In as much as the front office is not the main center or hub of a hotel, it is a vital department that makes the first and last impression to the guest. It is important as most guests will approach this department to seek clarification thus essential in retaining clients’ loyalty and reputation of a given hotel. Reservations are a vital stage in pre-arrival of all guests. An effective service delivery will ensure the clients get satisfied from the very initial stages. Vital preparations have to be made for the arrival of all guests by the front office department. Records have to be kept. Computers are essential in this process for they play an important facilitation role. References Baker, S., Huyton, J. & Bradley, P. (2000). Principles of hotel front office Operations. London: Continuum. Bardi, J.A. (2011). Hotel Front Office Management. John Wiley and Sons, USA. Hai-yan, K. and Baum, T. (2006). Skills and work in the hospitality sector: The case of hotel front office employees in China, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 18. No. 6, pp.509 – 518. Ismail, A. (2002). Front Office Operations and Management. Cengage Learning, UK. Kasavana, M.L. and Brooks, R.M. (2012). Managing Front Office Operations (AHLEI). Prentice Hall PTR,USA. Powers, T. & Barrows, C.W. (1999). Introduction to the Hospitality Industry (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Canada. Waryszak, R.Z. and Bauer, T.G. (1993). Front-office Staff Selection Techniques. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 5. No. 4.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benjamin Cardozo Leaders program Essay

The final spot in the University of Buffalo’s graduating class of 2011 should be offered to me because I embody the values of hard work, dedication, determination, and self-discipline that are essential in succeeding as a college student and later as a professional in my field. I have always had plans for a successful future – in younger years I had thoughts of pursuing the medical field, like my sister, but have since decided that being successful means following my own interests and dreams. I have been fascinated with how things work for as long as I can remember; automotive design holds a special attraction for me. During my junior year of high school I came to the realization that adulthood and the ‘real world’ are fast approaching, and got serious about outlining my plans for the future. Now, as a graduating senior, I am on the verge of proving to everyone else what I have always known – I am going to make something BIG out of myself. After careful and diligent examination of my personal interests and values, I have decided that my optimum career choice is to be a self employed mechanical engineer. In this profession I will be able to exploit my passion for how things work, while designing my own creations – and being self employed will allow me to reach my full potential, limited only by my dream, drive, and education. Knowing that the quality of my education is essential to achieving my lifetime aspiration will continue to provide me with a hunger for the acquisition of the knowledge and experience of my professors and future student colleagues. I plan to embellish my studies of mechanical engineering with a second concentration in business management, to culminate in an M. B. A. which I believe will help me acquire the knowledge necessary to run a profitable and successful business. It is my true dream to do for the world of mechanical engineering what Bill Gates did for computing and what Sam Walton did for discount retail – to become an industrial giant through knowledge, drive, and a passion for doing what I love. The University of Buffalo needs me on campus because of my experience in leadership, through the Benjamin Cardozo Leaders program, my strong work ethic – as evidenced by my current employment, and my passion for mechanical engineering. I pledge to use this spot to the best of my ability to simultaneously increase my academic knowledge and to uphold the positive public image that the University of Buffalo portrays. My background in athletics, as well as my high school and employment experience have all increased my people skills, and I plan to hone them even further in collaborating with fellow students and being involved in mentoring programs that import to teenagers how important goals, drive, and education are in the accomplishment of great things. I believe strongly that this college will help me accomplish great things, and it is my intent to accomplish great things while I am there.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Ideal Society Essays

The Ideal Society Essays The Ideal Society Paper The Ideal Society Paper A dream of Utopia, however, seems unreachable as of now, as Ideals and values among the individuals In society remain very different and due to the subjective nature of the people, which prevents It from happening. To make It happen and remain, either the ideals of all the people would have to be upheld or all the people would have to have the same ones. Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. This quote by Jean Jacques Rousseau depicts the situation quite accurately: An Individual Is born with free will; It Is a property of human nature that depends on the person. It allows us to make our own decisions that have an impact on our lives; however, our choices are limited by the rules the government inflict on us, as well as by moral and social obligations. Therefore we can live freely, but we have to take in consideration the laws and rules, along with other people. The state is a set of institutions that has the authority to make rules over a given territory, such as imprisoning people and Judging their behavior and choices. The humankind needs authority to Limit us though, It Is natural: the tribes have chiefs etc. Hobbes believes that without the state, the society would be disastrous: our lives would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. It is believed, that without it, we would descend to the level of animals as the civilized English schoolboys in William Gildings novel Lord of the Flies did. Disclaiming Hobbes theory, John Locke suggested his own. He claims, that the state is not natural for the humankind: God created people that are given basic human rights and obligations, along with free will and equality. No one has the right to Impose rules upon us without our consent. Locke was an anarchist, he had many complaints against the state, such as that the state helps mainly the rich, ruling class, instead of the ones that are in need. There are various theories of rights, the two most reorient ones being the Natural Rights, which was developed by Locke (God made these rights) and the other one that was Made for humans by humans, which was Bantams theory (made by majority, so more people would be satisfied). However, Bantams theory Is hard to generalize and decide. The best form of governance for most of the people is democracy. There are two types of democracy: Representative, where people vote for a person to represent them, and direct. The representative democracy is more common; it involves a voting process and there are both pros and cons: It works reasonably well and is efficient. On the other side, there are many shortcomings In the democratic system. For one, It Is considered Tanat every client Is consolable equal Ana NAS equal relents, wanly does not always work. Facing the truth, there is never going to be total equality and there are people that have more influence. Furthermore, we cannot be sure whether the citizen is aware of whom he has voted for there are many empty promises and such made during the campaigns, but we never know beforehand what the candidates future plan is. We do not know their qualifications, experiences, education and to add o it, there are many cases where the competition between the candidates is so fierce that they try to bring each other down by publishing unfavorable possibly misleading information about them. In utopia, it would be ideal if there was Justice; but Justice is a very vague term, as every country has different religions and therefore to uphold those, different laws are needed. The laws and rules are made by the ruling class, which is where the line between democracy, monarchy and dictatorship is blurred. The ruling class has the power to make and change laws to benefit themselves. The relationships pass the laws, but it should be qualified ones that should make the laws in different fields. Maybe the ministers of each department should be directly elected instead of the parliaments. An ideal case of democracy would be the one as in ancient India, where the laws were made by the most knowledgeable people, who did not hanker for power. They made the laws and stayed out of the governance business and the monarch was not involved in making the laws and rather Judged peoples behavior. In the ideal society, freedom is one of the most important values maybe it would be eater if there was no governance at all. But, it is apparent that humans are not ready for the no governance state yet, as we are still affected by our weaknesses and there are many of us that would take away the freedom from other people. We cannot enjoy total freedom we are like children that would start fighting as soon as the door closes behind the teacher, we need the government. The distribution of wealth is another issue. It would be ideal for all the people to have the same income; but the human nature and weaknesses such as greed prevent that. People are tempted to have more and more. Another idea of the Utopian state would be equality of men. A society, where everybody would be treated the same. But, that wouldnt be fair. People are unique, but not equal; it is the natures will. Some people are more talented than the others and have contributed to a better society, therefore it would not be fair to treat them the same as other people. There are classes in the society, according to ones talents etc. Which proves that talent is an attribute of an individual and not a group or a society. We wouldnt treat Leonardo Dad Vinci the same as the others, for example. Furthermore, an ideal society should have an authority, which would therefore be regarded higher than common people equality is not quite possible. It is possibly inequality among us that causes that there cannot be absolute peace: violence, Jealousy, hatred, greed, and many more those are some of the human weaknesses that we cannot get rid of. The basic ideas of an ideal state are in conclusion: liberty, equality, Justice and peace. Those ideas clash though, as it is apparent that there cannot be total freedom due to our nature, and therefore there needs to be a ruling class. It would be ideal if the lulling class would De selfless Ana mace rules etc. Walkout twinkling tout now to benefit themselves, but sadly, that is not the case. Therefore Justice is biased especially the economic laws, as the ruling class is able to change them to suit them. Peace is out of question as there will be clashes between different ideals and values. What would be possible though, given these circumstances, is equality between races and acceptance of all religions. However, to reach the ideal state, one would need to change the humankinds nature to make us more understanding, selfless and peaceful.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bookstore Inventory System

Table of Contents Introduction Statement of the Problem Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Significance of the Study Scope and Delimitation of the Study Definition of Terms Introduction Information Technology has brought different changes in the environment especially in the growth of advanced technology. Modern technology is used by many companies and other business establishment either private / public in order to benefit the advantages that it brings to businesses. They use a computer as one of the devices to work easier and faster. It is one of the aspects considered in order to gain success in the competitive world of business. Information Communication Technology or ICT is used as a general term for all kinds of technology which enable users to create access and manipulate information. ICT is a combination of information technology and communications technology. In an increasingly interconnected world, the interactions among devices, systems, and people are growing rapidly. Businesses need to meet the demands of their employees and customers to allow for greater access to systems and information. All of these communications needs must be delivered in a unified way. By offering a scalable infrastructure, cloud computing models enable companies to work smarter through more agile and cost-effective access to technology and information. This unified platform reduces costs and boosts productivity across business. Part of an information and communications technology roadmap should involve consolidating infrastructures, while providing added benefits to users in collaboration, messaging, calendaring, instant messaging, audio, video, and web conferencing. Cloud computing is driving more efficient IT consumption and delivery and taking ICT to the next level. The importance of having an efficient and robust Bookstore Inventory and Sales System cannot be understated. As technology continues to evolve, customers are demanding streamlined customer service and instant access to easier transaction process. Bookstore Inventory and Sales System generates customer service processes, increases efficiency and improves technological factors. Statement of the Problem This system aims to handle transactions and to have a success in customer interaction presents. 1. How can the customer view the details of a certain item they need. 2. How can the administrator view all the records of the entire customer. 3. How can the administrator compute the bills of the customer. 4. How the administrators can add and delete customer’s record. 5. How can the administrator manage the customers. Theoretical Framework Bookstore Inventory and Sales System provides the easiest way in customer service. At this point, our system is one whom we designed for the purpose. First, a user can register either an administrator or a clerk provided the questions and requirements asked as he go through the process then if successful, he will be automatically registered in the logs. If registered as administrator, he can do all changes in every transaction on sales and records for the authority is in that position. He can delete, edit, or add in the records available. He can also view all the stocks and the total sales in a certain date. On the other hand, clerk, he can only do things that only a clerk can do such as do transactions with the customer purchasing in a certain date and record it accordingly. Conceptual Framework Significance of the Study This system will be able to lessen the difficulty of service providers in finding and locating the book/s the customer want to buy. With corresponding details and price of each book, the clerk can be able to automatically inform the customer. This system will also help them know the quantity of books and stocks available. This will also function as a sales inventory for all the transactions recorded accordingly. This system will be able to lessen the time – consuming processes for clerk and customers, create a quick and easy ambiance for all transactions, to develop a customer clerk interaction with a good atmosphere, and especially to increase the number of sales because of the good services it provides. Scope and Delimitation From manual system to automated system is a very hard job to do but for an easier way it is designed to make the work faster. This inventory system can keep all the information and transactions in the computer. The admin can do change if the customers can’t achieve his/her needs. Admin/Clerk can compute the bills of the customers in an easiest way. This system can display all the customers’ information and needs. The customers can have his/her record in the computer and can have his/her service in details as he/she has requested. Definition of Terms 1. The act or process of making a complete list of the things that are in a place. 2. Sales The total amount of money that a business receives from selling goods or services. 3. Transaction A business deal: an occurrence in which goods, services, or money are passed from one person, account, company to another. 4. Bill An itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered. 5. Clerk A person whose job is to keep track of records and documents for a business or office. 6. Administrator A person who controls the use of something (such as property or money).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Violent Video Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violent Video Games - Essay Example However, the diversity of these video games is threatening. Many of these games are violent in nature. Examples of violent video games are: Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat and Sega's Primal Rage. All these games deal with fighting and killing the opponent in the most terrible and cruel way possible. Many of the more recent violent video games are modifications and are influenced by the above mentioned games. According to Dill, "Provenzo (1991) studied the most popular video games and noted that 40 out of 47 were violent in nature." Several other studies are mentioned by Dill, all of which support the idea that most of the video games are violent in nature. This research seeks to discover the degree of influence of the violent video games to selected college students. Inevitably and naturally, the players are affected by the games they play. This study will try to find out the causal relationship between violent video game and aggression. This will try to prove the hypothesis that the exposure of the students to video game violence increase aggressive behavior and other aggression related phenomena. Specifically, the study will answer the question: Does playing violent video game increase aggressiveness This research will use 40 respondents, 20 males and 20 females. ... The researcher will determine the video game to be played. Immediately after playing the video games, their cardiovascular measures (blood pressure and heart rate) will be taken then immediately they will be asked to answer the questionnaire. The IV (independent variable) will be the video games and the DV (dependent variable) will be the cardiovascular measures and the questionnaire. They must not take alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes and any drugs that may affect their behavior prior to the experiment. The following is a list of the video games that will be played by the respondents. The violent games are: Dark Forces (The player assumes the role of a special ops guy in the Rebellion aiming to steal the Death star plans and to get out alive. Weapons like a blaster rifle and laser pistol are used to kill enemy guards and storm troopers.); Marathon 2 (The shooter is a space marine trapped in a base that is taken over by aliens. His goal is to retake the base and not die, shooting at anything that moves.); Speed Demon (The player drives a heavily armed vehicle in a race with other armed vehicles. One gets points by destroying other vehicles.); Street Fighter (This is similar in many ways to Mortal Kombat. The player chooses a character and then engages in a series of fights with other characters.); and Wolfenstein 3D (The player assumes the role of B.J. Blascowitz, an American soldier caught and taken prisoner trying to infiltrate a top-secret Nazi lab. There are several deadly weapon s and he shots at all things that move). The nonviolent games are: 3D Ultra Pinball (This is simply an electronic version of a pinball game, complete with flippers, buzzers, bells, and various visual and auditory effects); Glider Pro (Players of this game control the forward and